Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend Update

This has been another fun filled weekend for all of us. On Saturday Caden had his second day being babysat by our neighbor Crea. From the sounds of it, he had a good time. He only cried for a few seconds after Greg dropped him off and spent the rest of the day following Crea everywhere she went. When we picked him up he was half asleep in her arms - same as the last time! I think all those kids really wear him out!

Because he went without a nap we decided to just put him to bed an hour early and hope that the time change wouldn't affect him. It worked out perfectly. He actually slept a full thirteen hours, which I think is the longest he's ever slept in one stretch. This was also the seventh night in a row that he's slept through, so I think we can finally say it's official! It's about time!

Today we had plans to visit Lexi at her mom's house in Owatonna and spend the day exploring the town. We got a call from her mom five minutes before we were supposed to leave, though, and Lexi was sick. So we were really disappointed to have another perfect day planned and then canceled. But since we were already to go we decided to make the most of the day and head to the zoo. Daylight savings worked in our favor - the zoo was pretty empty compared to how it normally is on weekends. We spent about an hour and a half there walking all around. We were already for a nap by the time we got home!

After nap the weather was so perfect that we decided to head back outside. We even took the cats and spent some time playing in the yard. It was funny at first because Caden was extremely unsure about walking in the grass. It's pretty mushy and hilly, so I imagine it must be a little scary. After awhile he was doing a little better. By the time we were ready to go in Caden was running straight into the gigantic flooded part of our yard!

Caden is still picking up on signs pretty quickly. We both wish he'd start saying words, but since he doesn't seem to have much interest, we're going to encourage the signing. Yesterday I taught him the sign for cat once and today he used it totally on his own when pointing Jack out to Greg. I asked him to do it again and he did! Yesterday morning he also did the sign for phone - and I've never even taught him that one! So he picks up on some pretty quickly and others he hasn't shown me yet. I keep using hungry and thirsty, but he ignores those. His best sign is definitely for more. He does it repeatedly when he's eating, when he wants to look at the sewer drains in the road, and occasionally when he wants something to eat. It's really fun to finally have this way for him to communicate on a very basic level back with us.

Hopefully the wonderful weather will keep up and we'll get lots of outside time this week. We're ready for more adventure after a full week of rain and fog.

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